Jason Huett, Ph.D.
Dean USG eCampus/Associate Professor
jhuett@w estga.edu
Murphy Building - Room 1231
Office Hours
By appointment
Dean of eCampus
Dr. Jason B. Huett is the Dean of USG eCampus and a tenured Associate Professor of Instructional Technology and Design at UWG. He is the Past President of the Distance Learning Division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Additionally, he is an award-winning distance educator who speaks and presents internationally on topics concerning online learning, school reform, and the future of education. Jason has also served as a consultant and committee member for several virtual schools, universities, state governments, and corporations. He has published numerous journal articles and book chapters and edited the well-received book: Learning and Instructional Technologies for the 21st Century: Visions of the Future, as well as the book: The Next Generation of Distance Education: Unconstrained Learning, which was translated into Chinese. His third book, Beyond the Online Course: Leadership Perspectives on e-Learning was released in 2016. Jason is also self-professed Star Trek junkie and tech geek who once ran with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain and got trampled. He is lucky to be married to Dr. Kim Huett and to be father to Jack, Willow, and Caleb and, in his spare time, you will find Jason taking a long walk outside.
Spring 2023 Sections
- MEDT-8461 (Diffusion of Innovations) Section: E03 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Spring 2022 Sections
- MEDT-7492 (Ldrshp & Admin of Onln Lrng) Section: E01 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Spring 2021 Sections
- MEDT-8461 (Diffusion of Innovations) Section: E02 external Syllabus via Concourse External Resource
Huett, K., Huett, J., & Ringlaben, R. (2011). From bricks to clicks: Building quality K-12 online classes through an innovative course review partnership. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration.
Moller, L., & Huett, J. (Eds.). (2012). The next generation of distance education: Unconstrained learning. New York: Springer Press.
Huett, J., Huett, K., & Bennett, E. (2010). The Way of the wiki: Using a wiki as a management tool for online programs. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 8(3).
Huett, J., Sharp, J., & Huett, K. (2010). What’s all the FOSS? How freedom and openness are changing the face of our educational landscape. International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, 1(2), 1-14.
Moller, L., Huett, J., Harvey, D. (Eds.). (2008). Learning and instructional technologies for the 21 century: Visions of the future. New York: Springer Press.
Huett, J., Coleman, C., Moller, L., Foshay, W. (2008). The evolution of distance education: Implications for instructional design on the potential of the web (Part 3: K-12). TechTrends, 52(5).
Prince, B., Huett, J., & Cegielski, C. (2008). An exploration of the impact of speech recognition technologies on group efficiency and effectiveness. Review of Business Research, 8(6).
Huett, J., Kalinowski, K., Moller, L., & Huett, K. (2008). Improving the motivation and retention of American students online through the use of ARCS‐based emails. The Journal of Distance Education, 22 (3), 159-176. [View Publication (PDF)]